
DeepGreen is a delivery service for Open Access articles, who supply Open Access repositories with automated and targeted publisher content. Deepgreen collaborates with 10 Publishers, 74 Institutional Repositories, 6 Subject Repositories. Cottage Labs are technology partners for Deepgreen router, helping with ongoing development, enhancements and service management.


Deepgreen was a protype designed to showcase the possibility of a a delivery service for Open Access articles, to supply Open Access repositories with automated and targeted publisher content from publishers. Since developing the prototype, the deepgreen service has had to support the changing landscape of delivery between publishers and repositories and the nature of open access supporting the different types of open access articles, while being legally compliant. Cottage Labs have been working with Deepgreen over the past four years, working on enhancements and service maintenance.


We have had to deliver efficiencies to Deepgreen, as the service has grown. * Streamline the code to support a growingly complex business logic for matching publications to repositories. * Improve accoutability of the delivery service * Better support repository and administrator needs.


Deepgreen and Cottage Labs have been in close partnership since 2020, The service continues to deliver articles from publishers to a growing number repositories
